Thursday 25 May 2017

Technical Analysis of Iron Man clip

The use of sound editing and camerawork can create an interesting scene, I am going to analyse how they can help create meaning in the Iron Man clip.

In this clip sound effects are uses to set the scene, the first thing we hear is a young boy screaming “papa” , this small amount of dialogue informs the audience that the child or his father is in danger. The clip continues with many technical sounds, Iron Mans lasers sound modern and expensive, whereas the other men have guns which are seen to be older and more traditional, this implies that Iron man has advanced technology and is more educated and powerful than the men surrounding him. The non diegetic music was mellow when it started, the actions that accompanied it were small and harmless. When the actions became more dramatic so did the music, an example of this is when Iron Man breaks through the wall, before this the music builds up tension and when the wall is broken the music becomes heavier and more impressive.

Editing creates meaning by making the scene look chaotic, there are many quick cuts which mirrors the fast fighting and the drama. The central point in each little section is mostly Iron Man, we see the back of him and then the front of him giving the viewer an all round view of the action. The mood in this scene is uncontrolled and manic giving the feeling of danger. When the cuts slow down we take in what is happening and see more of the characters emotions and understand more what is happening. When the young boy and his father are hugging on the ground there are still a lot of cuts but that are all focused on them but from different angles making the audience feel relived that they are together.

The camera work is effective throughout the clip, it creates meaning by involving the audience. The first shot in the clip is a close up of a young boy, we see his emotion and how he was feeling. Close ups are used so the audience can invest in the characters and see their emotions. We see closeups of both the victims and terrorists, each have different facial expressions making the audience feel different emotions. Lots of the clip looks hand held and shaky, this also makes the audience more involved because they feel like the are there in that situation. The camera movement reacts to what is happening in the clip, when Iron Man gets shot by the tank and when he falls to the ground the camera shakes implying that he is heavy and strong and is as powerful as a gun from a tank. We also get a first person view from inside Iron Mans suit, we see the hostages being held at gun point, this shows the pressure that Iron Man has been put under, we watch as he easily targets the terrorists and kills them showing how advanced his technology is and how easy it is to use.