Friday 23 September 2016

Representation of Adverts

LINK: Sarah's Story - Motor Neurone Disease Association

My thought on the representation:
I think the people watching the advert may get confused with the message, the advert is unclear on what it is showing until the end when it says it. i though the advert was for help against sexual harassment; her clothes her being stripped off her and it looked like she was being beaten then dragged across the floor. i thought the stripping was unnecessary and the shots of her body were not needed. i think this advert would not of been a man because men are not made to look week and women are easy targets.

Those who might challenge the representations:
I think people with this disease would see it as unrealistic and would be offended. also feminists would challenge this advert because its a women being dragged around and undressed showing their weaker than men and less powerful.

Those who might accept these representations:
I think fundraisers and charities would support this advert because it makes the illness look painful making people want to help and donate.


  1. Hi Eva.
    Well done for getting these notes and the link up here.
    EBI: You and Meg try to write in your own words in future to practice making responses to these tasks on your own (you can't do the exam together!)
    Also - could you add notes to your reality TV clip. I think I commented on this earlier. Let me know if not.

  2. You've thought carefully about how different audiences might interpret this advert. You've also written well about the way the central character has been represented.

    EBI: You now try to analyse the advert in more depth - how has it been shot? What about the editing? The lighting? The -really disturbing- use of sounds? Make notes on this - and WHY you think they constructed this representation in this way.
