Tuesday 29 November 2016

Representation revision notes

Revision notes

Representation is a mixture of :
-       the actual thing being represented
-       the values/attitudes and lifestyle (VALs) of the people/institutions constructing the representations 

How truth is represented in the media (Hillsborough – the front of the SUN newspaper)

Representations of people in reality TV - stereotyping

Truth is ‘contested’

Stuart Hall – theories of representation
Visual representation – the image

‘Representation and the media'
The 3 main approaches:
-       Reflective – the media is a reflection of real life eg documentaries, the news !NOT horror films!
-       Intentional – that representations are all from the producer eg propaganda (persuasive)
-       Constructionist – a mix of reflective and intentional, seen ad a response to the weaknesses in those other 2 responses

Representation in advertising –

Types of audiences:
-       mass: catering to a broad and nonspecific mainstream audience
-       niche: a narrowly defined group on nonmainstream consumers
-       primary: the readership who the magazine is most directly targeted at
-       secondary: other demographics who may purchase the magazine but are not that interested ( can spread info – advertising )

Circulation – how many people buy the magazine
Readership – how many people read the magazine

Dominant reading – the Audience uncritically accepts the preferred (or intended) meaning of the text

Negotiated reading – the message is partly accepted and partly rejected

Oppositional reading – the audience rejects the message

Target Audience – a specified audience or demographic group which a media text is designed for

Demographic – the characteristics of human populations and population segments used to identify consumer markets

Social grade boundaries
A: upper middle class
B: middle class
C1: lower middle class
C2: skilled working class
D: working class
E: those at the lowest end of subsistence

Mode of address – how the text speaks to the audience and involves them

Intertextuality – the shaping of a texts meaning by another text – referencing a film in a different film

Polysemy – lots of meanings

Anchorage – fixing the meaning if the advert with a logo etc

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